What written under this is the Disclosure Statement for all https://animabarda.com site including all the websites run under the animabarda.com domain.

Please read this statement regarding our site. If you have questions please ask us via our contact form.

  1. Affiliate marketing and compensation
    We are affiliated with merchants mentioned in this website. We may get a commission from the purchase referred to from this site. The compensation received may influence the advertising content, topics or posts made in this site.
  2. Typical Result of the Products
    As an affiliate, we don’t know what the typical result of the product given, so we always referred our visitor to visit the advertiser site to get more information about the typical result. Please visit the advertiser page for more information about the typical result
  3. Testimonials
    We don’t use testimonials in this site, but we may referring our visitor to merchant sites to merchant sites and./or third party sites. All testimonial’s rights belong to that merchant and or third party sites.

If you have any questions regarding our disclosure policy, please contact us at admin@idolizeadvancedeyeserumfacts.com