4 Reasons Why Digital Marketing Is Important for Small Businesses

83% of SMBs (small businesses) believe digital marketing (DM) is crucial for their businesses. Can you beat that? A simple “No”. The modern world is increasingly driven by digital media. We are constantly hooked to the Internet for something or the other. Such a digitally-influenced space makes a digital presence more than compulsory for every business to reach the customers. Boosting sales figures is the prime goal for SMEs taking to DM today. Added to it, SMEs are also counting on online marketing for enhancing brand awareness, lead conversion, and improvement of website traffic.

Customers are online

The post below shares 4 significant benefits of digital marketing for small businesses.

80% of potential consumers take to online media for information. When we come across a new business or company, the immediate reflex is to search for digital marketing in the web world. Gone are the days when we used to … Read the rest

What’s the Hardest Part of Marketing Yourself?

In my Fast Track Marketing System I divide marketing into seven very specific modules:

  1. The Game of Marketing
  2. The Mindset of Marketing
  3. Marketing Messages (Your Value Proposition)
  4. Marketing and Selling Conversations
  5. Written Marketing Materials
  6. Marketing Strategies
  7. Marketing Action Plans

All of these have their particular challenges. But in my experience in working with thousands of Independent Professionals, it’s #7 that seems to be the hardest for most people.

After all, most of the other 6 modules are all about preparation to market yourself.

You learn the basics of the game of marketing, you work on your marketing mindset, you develop marketing messages, conversations, and written marketing materials, and ultimately choose the marketing strategies to get the word out.

And then the rubber hits the road. You have to actually get out there and connect with potential clients through networking, speaking, an eZine, social media, emails, etc.

For most, the bottom Read the rest

The Influence of Political Changes on Stock Market Trends

stock market

Political changes can have a profound impact on stock market trends, including the HDFC Bank share price and other stocks. Shifts in government policies, elections, and geopolitical events can create both opportunities and challenges for investors. This article will explore how political changes can influence stock market trends and provide insights into navigating these dynamics.

One way political changes can affect the stock market is through changes in government policies. When a new government comes into power, it often brings with it a new set of policies that can impact various sectors of the economy. For example, changes in tax policies, regulations, or trade agreements can directly impact the profitability and growth prospects of companies. Investors closely monitor these policy shifts and adjust their investment strategies accordingly, which can lead to fluctuations in stock prices, including the HDFC Bank share price.

Elections are another political event that can significantly … Read the rest

Cara SehatQ Mengatasi Kecemasan Dan Panik di Lingkungan Apapun

Pernahkah Anda mengalami kejadian ketika sedang berada suatu tempat? Lalu ada seseorang yang berusaha memanggil Anda dengan sebutan menggoda seperti “Cewek!” atau “Sendirian aja nih cantik?” atau bisa juga berupa siulan dari seseorang? Hal tersebut biasa disebut dengan CatCalling dan merupakan bentuk kekerasan seksual secara verbal atau kekerasan psikis.

Anda harus selalu waspada setiap pergi keluar rumah karena kita sendiri tidak bisa mengontrol perlakuan atau sikap seseorang terhadap kita. Kasus CatCalling biasa membuat seseorang menjadi panik dan takut sehingga cemas setiap ingin berpergian keluar rumah. Tak hanya itu beberapa orang juga dapat merasa trauma dan takut bertemu dengan seseorang. Perbuatan ini sering terjadi di beberapa daerah tetapi korban dari pelecehan CatCalling takut untuk melapor karena kurangnya respon dari masyarakat bahkan penegak hukum serta belum adanya kepastian hukum.

Jika Anda merasa menjadi korban pelecehan CatCalling cobalah untuk menemukan seseorang yang Anda percaya dan berbagi cerita dengan mereka dan ceritakan … Read the rest

Should you accept cryptocurrencies in your business?

As a business owner, it is common to always look for ways to capitalize on current trends to increase your sales and your profile in your industry. One of the biggest trends in business today is cryptocurrency, especially Bitcoin. Countries are even beginning to adopt Bitcoin as their legal currency, with El Salvador being the first to do so, according to bitcoin news.

Because cryptocurrency services have so much power in financial systems, companies have no choice but to adapt their methods to retain and grow their customer base. As it has become a more conventional form of payment for many customers, especially the younger ones, you, as an entrepreneur, may wonder if it is the right time for your company to accept cryptocurrencies, given inflation.

Bitcoins in buying and selling products

What is happening today is that many of the users who own Bitcoin around the world … Read the rest

How to improve your credit score – Useful information

Your credit rating is one of the most important measures for your financial health. He tells lenders at a glance how responsibly you use credit. The better your score, the easier it will be for you to be approved for new loans or lines of credit. A higher credit rating can also open the door to lower loan rates. Even a part-time job can be helpful, which will be included in the file.

If you want to improve your credit rating, according to customer experience, you can do a few simple things. It takes a little effort and, of course, some time. Here’s a step-by-step guide to getting a better credit score. You can improve your credit rating with a few simple steps. First, make sure you pay your bills on time. Upload your credit card balances to maintain your credit usage ratio. Don’t close old credit card accounts … Read the rest

Pros and Cons of online trading business

Online trading has now become popular all over the world. People can trade by sitting in the home. If the person has a computer and a strong internet connection, he or she will able to easily do this. However, this is also difficult to keep the eye on the computer screen constantly. Online trading has lots of advantages, though there are some significant disadvantages too. Let’s know about the pros and cons of this.

Low Fees

In online trading, the fees are low. The traders have low transaction costs and do not need more capital to trade. There are also different types of opportunities, such as by taking leverage the investors can able to trade more, even though they have less account balance. However, the conventional broker takes more fees.


Flexibility is one of the crucial features of this process. They can easily control their transaction process smoothly … Read the rest

Why to sell Senmiao Technology Share cost?

If you’re interested in Senmiao Technology Limited NASDAQ: AIHS at https://www.webull.com/quote/nasdaq-aihs, at that point you should consider its beta a proportion of offer value instability so as to see how the stock could affect your portfolio. Changeability is viewed as a quantity of risk in present day cash hypothesis. Speculators may consider instability falling into two fundamental classifications. To begin with, we have organization explicit instability, which are the value gyrations of an individual stock. Holding in any event 8 stocks can diminish this sort of hazard over a portfolio. The subsequent sort is brought about by the common instability of business sectors, by and large.

A few stocks see their costs move working together with the market. Others tend towards more grounded, gentler or inconsequential value developments. A few speculators utilize beta as a proportion of how much a specific stock is affected by advertise chance instability. While … Read the rest

People With no Symptoms Can Spread the Virus

Scientific studies in regard to the effectiveness of masks remain inconclusive. Some have realized that they may help a little in preventing illnesses from spreading, but others suggest they’re not worth wearing.

Cloth masks aren’t ideal. A 2015 study that could reach over 1,000 healthcare workers in Hanoi, Vietnam, found out that people that were used on wear cloth masks were more likely to have a respiratory virus than those that wore medical masks, manufactured from thick fibers that catch a range of particles. That study appeared in BMJ Open.

The team also discovered that common household disinfectants, including bleach, were effective in “killing” the virus.

Mask or no mask, children should never opt for one to the grocery store in order to run essential errands in the pandemic. Community playgrounds are closed (or ought to be), so outdoor play needs to be restricted to the trunk yard. If your … Read the rest

Nine Ways to Make Your Business Visible

My Fourth Law of Attracting Clients states that you must be visible

Imagine that you woke up one morning and discovered you were completely invisible. And nobody could hear you either. If you sent an email, nobody would even see it. Not such a great circumstance if you wanted to attract clients to your business!

But as absurd as this situation might seem, it’s pretty close to reality for many independent professionals. They are rarely seen or noticed by their prospective clients. If your business is not growing and you need to attract more clients, the very first thing you need to do is gain more visibility.

In my business, my efforts to become visible followed this progression: networking – speaking – keep-in-touch marketing – publishing. I joined my local Chamber of Commerce, professional groups, and networking clubs and I started to meet a lot of new people, many … Read the rest

Marketing With Logic and Emotion

A couple of days ago our refrigerator conked out.

A repairman showed up today to take a look. The verdict? We’d need a new freezer coil. The cost was close to $1,000 and would take almost a week to get the parts.

A new refrigerator was about $2K. And that’s the option I chose. It will arrive tomorrow. Logically, I could have saved more than $1K if I’d chosen to get it fixed. But emotionally, I didn’t want to be without a fridge for a week, perhaps longer. The discomfort of that was worth avoiding even if it meant paying $1,000 more.

All buying decisions are emotional, not logical

When a client decides to work with you, they may justify it logically, but ultimately, they chose to get your help because of how they feel about you and their situation.

They will choose the option that feels the best to

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